

Course Outcome:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae mollis quam. Pellentesque eget tellus lorem. Aliquam quis tellus et urna vehicula pellentesque. Curabitur massa nunc, tincidunt eget nulla eu, scelerisque tempor enim. Phasellus blandit nulla lectus, nec sagittis neque fringilla id. Donec sollicitudin, nunc a accumsan mattis, nisl risus posuere turpis, quis fringilla ligula eros et elit. Donec nec dui ac justo adipiscing porttitor in non est.


Course Content:

1. Efficient utilisation of nutrients

Efficient use of nutrients is essential both for profits and for minimising impact on the wider environment.

FQAs are expected to be conversant with:

Matching nutrient inputs to crop or plant requirements

  • Uptake of nutrients by crops
  • Uptake in relation to stage of growth
  • Sources of nutrients other than fertilisers (soil or growing media-based systems)

Control of watering

  • Potential effect of different irrigation systems on water and nutrient losses


Nutrient supply and crop quality

  • Nitrate concentration in ready-to-eat vegetables
  • Disease incidence

Diagnostic methods

  • Visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency and toxicity
  • Plant tissue analysis
  • Monitoring of nutrient supply

2. Methods for nutrient supply

Several growing systems are used in horticulture. FQAs should be conversant with the main principles of nutrient supply and the principal benefits and potential problems for these systems

  • Soil-based
  • Crops grown in soil
  • Container grown plants

Growing media

  • Peat-based media
  • Peat substitutes
  • Controlled release fertilizers
  • Acidification of irrigation water


  • Inert substrates
  • NFT
  • Closed and open systems

Liquid feeding

3. Special issues for nitrogen and phosphorus

Loss of nitrogen or of phosphorus to the wider environment can contribute to several problems.

FQAs should be aware of these problems and of the need to minimize nutrient loss.

Nitrate in water

  • Limit in water
  • Outline of NVZs, their purpose and extent

Nitrous oxide

  • Contribution to GHG emission
  • Emission from soil and from nitrate leached to surface water


Phosphorus in water

  • Eutrophication of freshwaters
  • Phosphorus balance for a holding or nursery

Disposal of unused nutrients (solutions or products)

4. Codes, legislation and other requirement to protect the environment

Nutrient use is covered by codes of practice and legislation. Presently, these relate mainly to field crops but the trend towards greater control is likely to extend to horticulture.

FQAs should be aware of current codes and legislation so that they are prepared.

Code of practice

  • Specialised horticulture section of Protecting our Water, Soil and Air (applies to England but relevant elsewhere)

Water Framework Directive

  • Likely impact on phosphorus use


5. Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme (FIAS) and fertiliser security

FIAS, a self-governing scheme, applies mainly to the fertiliser supply chain up to the holding gate.

However, FQAs should be aware of the principles of FIAS so that the user can ensure due responsibility for fertiliser products whilst they are stored and used on the holding.

  • Need for fertiliser security
  • Purpose and scope of FIAS
  • Ten Point Code for Fertiliser Security (NaCTSO)



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae mollis quam. Pellentesque eget tellus lorem. Aliquam quis tellus et urna vehicula pellentesque. Curabitur massa nunc, tincidunt eget nulla eu, scelerisque tempor enim. Phasellus blandit nulla lectus, nec sagittis neque fringilla id. Donec sollicitudin, nunc a accumsan mattis, nisl risus posuere turpis, quis fringilla ligula eros et elit. Donec nec dui ac justo adipiscing porttitor in non est.

Duration of Course:

1 Day

Maximum Delegates:


Course Price:

 £145 per delegate

All prices are based on delivery at our training centre near Chichester, West Sussex.

Prices include all training materials, certificates and refreshments throughout the day (including lunch for full day courses).

We can deliver on-site and bespoke training packages to meet your business needs.   Please contact us for further information and quotations.

Website Address / External Link

Course Requirements


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